Why Sales, Marketing and Advertising is important?
In the world of competition even the best product will fail by loosing market share, so it is once again important to keep in mind the competitive forces over the organization. Following diagram represents the Seven forces, Model of Product Design (Twinkle Model)

Seven forces, Model of Product Design (Twinkle Model)
So Sales, Marketing, and Advertising are concerened it is very important 3 forces in here; Organization Goals, Competitor Strategies and finally the Customer Expectations.
So what is Sales? Do Sales and Marketing same? How these two relates with Advertising?
World Leading Brands
World leading brands are not emerged in one day. These brands developed over years, decades, centuries to form leading organizations and to provide employments to other people. Emerging a product or developing a product may tedious, reason particular product has to gain attraction or heart of consumer to get profitable market share.
What we mean by a product. There are two major types of products.
1. Tangible products
2. Non-tangible products
Tangible Products
Tangible means touchable. So these products may subdevided into catogories. Consumer products, Fast Mooving Consumer Goods, Garments, Textiles, compute hardwares, Other etc.
Non-Tangible Products
Non tangible means non touchable. So Softwares and other interllectual properties such as songs, movies.
So what is a product?